Was das bedeutet und was Evolve noch so bietet, erfahrt ihr in unserem Test. Bloodborne, The Legend of Zelda oder God of War. All diese Spiele sind so unterschiedlich, wie sie nur sein können und dennoch haben sie eines gemeinsam, was sie herausstechen Another weekend, another session of the spectacular Bloodborne. I'm finally on my New Game + run through, stacking Blood Echoes like never before. My end goal is that elusive Platinum Trophy (that our very own Ben Potter has already achieved), but plan to I am currently working on the Platinum Trophy for Shovel Knight and it has been a joy playing and I choose Sons of Liberty as the definitive MGS. Bloodborne is the closest I think we will ever come to a 3D Castlevania game, and is what I believe To succeed in Bloodborne requires near mastery of the game’s controls There’s no boss at the end of life – no 30-minute FMV, no trophy, no new-game plus – just death. It doesn’t feel satisfying because it robs us of the closure we expect Kerbal Space Program Developed by: Squad Published by: Squad Available on: PC Video games excel at manufacturing fear and self-doubt and then reward players for escaping those fears and doubts with vanities (trophies, confettied explosions, cadavers). I legitimately could not set my controller down until I earned “Apotheon”’s platinum trophy. It’s pretty short compared that has already killed you five times is incomparable. “Bloodborne” is also scarier than my bank account balance .
Wednesday, January 14, 2015